Your real purpose, the meaning of life, or a missing sock?

UntitledMost of us have heard the thought or philosophy that upon learning the secret to life, you are allowed to pass into the next life (you die). There are also those who say that discovering your true purpose for existence, that enlightenment, sets your soul free. I say both of those are false. I know the meaning of life (to help each other out, to truly experience and feel and appreciate the beauty and the pain, to the make the world better, to be the best you). I am also quite sure of my purpose (to bring humor, good food, and warm fuzzies to the world; to impart my random knowledge and to use my experiences to help others). I know these things, learned them years ago, and I’m still here. BUT, What I DON’T know is where the hell my socks go when I put them in the washer. It is a common occurrence; it happens regardless of race, sex, socioeconomic status, age, or type of laundry apparatus.

Example: I have about 15 orphaned socks right now. I am the only one who does laundry, I put them in… poof. Gone. I have checked inside of sleeves, around the washer and drier. I swear there are gremlins who steal my socks, though what they do with them remains unseen. EVERY NOW AND THEN, one will pop back out of thin air. It will literally just turn up in my basket of clean clothes or in the load I’m taking out of the wash. Like, “HI! I have been here waiting for you!” No I do not think so. I would have seen a red and white polka dotted sock.

I have asked countless people and while everyone has the problem, NO ONE knows the answer. No one has discovered the other realm for favored socks and survived to tell the secret. In fact, I am rather sure that even before washers and driers, people came up short on socks, assuming wild animals took them or they fell in the river when really, they were victims and fell into the sock realm.

I am sure someday, we all discover where these rogue socks go, we finally earn the right of passage or stumble on that rip in the matrix that socks are drawn to, but for some reason, before we can blurt it out, before we can spread the news and tell the world about this deep-seated secret, we keel over. Something sinister prevents us from sharing this!

So go, discover your true purpose. Experience the meaning of life, but just buy some new socks. Do not go searching for that answer because there are some things humans are not meant to ever know the truth behind. This is one.

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