Press on pedicures?! Read this first

IMG_4066 (1)So my experience with the imPress nails was not positive but I still had a box of imPress toe nails and a rainy afternoon with nothing do to so I thought, “eh, why not?!” These toe nails were one step: remove the backing and press onto toenail. They were exactly like the fingernails I tried first, but these were shaped for my little piggies.

I washed my feet, dried them well, and chose the right fake toe nail to place onto my real toe nails. These seemed to offer a nice fit and sizing options (unlike the fingernails) and actually went on so quickly and easily, I wondered if I missed a step. The big toe nails were a little long looking (the pack does include a file so you can adjust it to your liking, but I decided to leave them as they were). I actually had a gorgeous French Pedi in less than three minutes, no dry time, no messy paint. It was truly divine.

Even more amazing, the toenails looked pretty natural, laid flat, and felt like they were on pretty tightly. They felt natural, too. But with my fingernail experience (the nails did not last two hours), I did not have high hopes for the resiliency of these toe nails. I decided to put them to the test. I pulled on some socks and shoes and went for a walk. The toenails stayed on. I walked through the garden, digging my feet in the dirt. The toenails stayed on. After a soaking bath, the toenails were still on (now clean). I was pleasantly surprised. They survived my nighttime moisturizing foot wrap (once a week I apply a thick goats milk moisturizer to my feet and heels and sleep with them wrapped in saran wrap in socks). They survived heels, they survived sitting with my feet tucked under me. They even survived my gimpiness (I am a toe stubber, my toes suffer terrible abuse and often get smooshed under closing doors, rammed into chair legs, and smooshed by falling whatevers. Now, ten days later, these suckers are still on and adhered strongly. I’m beginning to think they are toenails for life. They look perfect, were way too fast and easy to apply, and they were less than $8.00. I’m sold. I will probably never paint my toenails again and I may never take these fake nails off! These are definitely must-buys, especially for the summer.

I did not receive my toenails for free nor did I receive any compensation to write this.

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