Everyone can benefit from this type of Physical Therapy

Therapydia’s Jonathan Burke, DPT, MTC, CSCS, perfects my sit-to-stand technique to work on better muscle control

When you think of physical therapy, you probably think of a clinic lined with treadmills and bikes; a place you pop into for a few sessions to reduce the pain of that back injury or improve the function of that sprained ankle; but physical therapy has come a long way, baby! Physical therapists still provide help in injury recovery and they treat chronic conditions, but now they do so much more. In fact, EVERYONE can benefit from from physical therapy sessions, whether you are trying to get through work or household chores more efficiently with less pain, trying to train for a triathon, dealing with age-related challenges or learning to cope with chronic illnesses. Even a seasoned athlete can drastically improve performance under the guidance of a licensed physical therapist. When you think of physical therapy, you should think, “wellness, well-being, the development and maintenance of the entire body, and injury/problem PREVENTION.” Do not wait for a small problem to turn into a BIG issue, a steady relationship with a GOOD physical therapist who provides one-on-one advising, guidance, and training can be one of your most valuable and beneficial wellness tools.

Today, physical therapists carry Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees and many hold additional certifications and advanced training past the required degree. Because of this level of training and understanding of the body, your physical therapist can hone in on your true needs, identify your challenges, and can tailor your sessions to help you meet your goals, taking you to the next level of wellness or upping the ante on your mad athletic abilities. Physical therapists can help you determine the goals you should work towards, whether you need to increase flexibility or focus on developing better muscle control. He can tweak your workout routine to make it more effective, can teach you to lift, bend, sit, and squat properly, or develop skills to do daily tasks without causing (more) pain. A physical therapist can still prepare you for physicals and for physically intense jobs and make sure that you perform techniques properly to prevent injuries. Physical therapy is always evolving as your therapist evaluates your current condition, your daily activities, your personal goals and with each visit, (s)he can provide a routine based on your response to the previous session (and to your response to each regimen).

Diaphragmatic Breathing
Therapydia NOLA’s Jonathan Burke, DPT, MTC, CSCS, teaches me Diaphragmatic Breathing techniques

Now, a physical therapist does more than rehabilitation. He can help in pre-surgery preparation in addition to post-surgery rehabilitation. Specially trained physical therapists can help remedy or improve pelvic floor dysfunction (which is common for both men and women with age) and can address post-pregnancy issues and concerns. Dealing with anxiety? Many physical therapists teach diaphragmatic breathing which can calm anxiety, develop your core, and can take your workout routines to the next level.

Some physical therapy clinics feel more spa-like; some offer yoga, pilates, and cross fitness sessions or lifting critiquesIf you are a die-hard gymee, fear not, for you do not have to breakup with your gym; your physical therapy sessions can compliment your gym sessions or crossfit training and enhance the results.  

When you look for a physical therapist, you want one who can meet your specific goals and needs. Some are more injury/recovery based, others treat athletes, and some see patients from all points on the athletic (or recovery) spectrum. Look for things like one-on-one manual mobilization (which is very slow, very small movements that the physical therapist does FOR you) if you are trying to recover from an injury or illness, always seek out a 1:1 ratio and look for a clinic that uses only certified physical therapists (rather than physical therapy techs) to oversee your routine or treatment. Consider their specialties and read the reviews. Some physical therapies are affiliated with a hospital, others are independently owned or part of a national clinic with locations throughout the country. Shop around to find the best clinic and therapist for your needs. Try them out, if you do not feel chemistry with one clinic or therapist, try another one; the most important thing is to be on the same page and to enjoy physical therapy so you look forward to your sessions.

We often think of physical therapy as a short-term solution but we need to change this thought. Physical therapy should be a life-long commitment and more of us should utilize this valuable tool to meet our wellness goals and to prevent or overcome the aches, pains, and challenges of aging. Cost should not be an excuse, illness and injury are expensive and time consuming, they eat your life away. Remember, physical therapy no longer requires doctors orders in most states (and insurance often covers physical therapy). If you are ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle, if you are ready to step up your game, or if you want to get out of pain for good, consider establishing a relationship with a great physical therapist. Don’t know where to start? Check out Therapydia and Therapydia NOLA to find a location close to you.


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